Wagon full of composted leaves

2014 Garden Kick-Off

Fenced Compost Garden

Martha’s fenced compost garden will be expanded for 2014

Garden area with broken portable greenhouse

Portable greenhouse needs replacing

I am so excited to be gardening this year.  My friend Martha owns the land next to her home and has had a garden there for a few years.  This year she invited me to partner with her and expand the garden.  She has a nice bit of land to work with.  I am afraid of being overambitious.  Here is the portable greenhouse that she has used for a few seasons to start seeds.  The winter that we had in RVA this year has destroyed this greenhouse tent.  We purchased a new one and hope to put it up this weekend.

Last weekend we were able to to harvest some exceptional composted material from a neighbor’s leaf piles that have been there for many years.  Plenty of black organic material to add to our garden.  What a treasure!  After a couple of hours of shoveling this dense compost into a wagon and hauling it to our garden area, my back, arms and thighs were screaming.  It felt good to spend time outdoors doing hard work.

Wagon full of composted leaves

Wagon full of composted leaves

Saturday is supposed to be mild in RVA.  More composting shoveling and hauling is planned.

Our seeds that we planted last weekend have started to sprout in the house.  We have little cabbage, lettuce and beet sprouts.  We hope to have the garden ready within two weeks so that we can plant our first early plants in our garden.

What are you favorite early season veggies?

Written by Jennifer Laughter Google